What is Walk-n-Talk Therapy
and why is it significant?
Walk and Talk (Walk-n-Talk) Therapy is used as an alternative approach from the traditional method of Therapy conducted in an office space. This alternative approach of counseling is conducted in specific locations, around the city of Chicago and/or suburbs, which are conducive to providing the appropriate level for therapeutic counseling. The locations selected are deemed appropriate between both parties, however these locations are always selected for the reasons of (1) safety, (2) discreetness conversation, (3) terrain, and (4) therapeutic ambiance. The locations listed below are deemed appropriate for Walk-n-Talk Therapy:
Locations along the paths/trails of Lake Michigan (north-side/south-side)
Outdoor running tracks (located at colleges/high schools that's open to the public)
Along various paths/trails of the Chicago's Forest Preserves
Various city parks that are conducive to privacy i.e., Millennium Park, Grant Park, etc...
Downtown, after rush hour, and/or along the banks of the Chicago River (for the busy executive)
How effective has it been in relation to traditional therapy?
Some of my clients report they have never felt comfortable experiencing therapy in an unfamiliar setting and/or sitting across from someone discussing their personal issues. It is my belief that the walk-n-talk approach allows for the client to experience similar attributes to experiencing a conversation with a confidant, mentor, and/or a trainer. Other positive reports that my clients experienced during the walk-n-talk approach was a sense of calmness, clarity, focus, and energy.
Benefits - Mentally/Physically:
Clients report how much better they feel after they have walked for an hour, while discussing areas of their life that are difficult and/or causes distress. They often report feeling a lot calmer and relaxed than when the session is finished. Moreover, the medical field has proven that more chemical endorphins are released as one participates in some form of exercise, such as walking. Furthermore, the average person can walk up to 3 miles in one hour. And, based-off one’s weight, they can burn between 90 - 240 calories walking one mile (depending upon the client’s walking pace).
Walk-n-Talk (Walk and Talk) Therapy addresses the following:​
Adolescent Psychotherapy
(academic, emotional and social concerns) -
Anger Management or Conduct Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Chemical Dependency
Grief and Loss
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
PTSD and Trauma healing
Lower Blood Sugar
Lower Cholesterol
Lower Blood Pressure
Decrease Stress & Anxiety

Learn more about the benefits of
walking and exercising (links)
Exercise and Depression: Endorphins,
Reduce Stress With Walking & Exercise
Walk and Talk Therapy from WebMD
Policy Agreement:
Firstly, before participating in the Walk-n-Talk (Walk and Talk) Therapy, it will determine if the client is physically capable of participating for the full hour. For some clients, based-off their medical history, a medical consent form will be needed from their physician. If it is determine the client is unable to walk for a complete hour, we will determine a location and/or time to sit and continue the counseling session.